League-of-legends – How to AP Tristana be used viably in Season 3


I have seen Tristana using an AP build before but with new emerging heroes and all these old champions sometimes get blindsided by their newer peers.

The points I will like to know are

  • Is she viable as an AP carry?
  • What are the recommended runes for Tristana?
  • How do I effectively use her kit to kill enemies?

Best Answer

This question can be a little difficult to answer because of varying skill levels in this game.

From personal experience, she seems to be somewhat viable until gold ELO. At that point, teamfights are better coordinated and the problem with AP Tristana is that if she uses all her skills and doesn't get a kill, then she will just be on cooldowns for most of the teamfight, which is extremely detrimental to your team.

  • Is she able to carry off an AP carry or just a normal AP?

    • She can, but it's unlikely that she can carry at higher levels. If you're going to play her, play her as the AP carry. AP Tristana should only be going mid, unless she is countered and can make use of a lane switch with top lane.
  • Runes

    • Magic Penetration Marks (Your mid opponent will likely have starting MR Masts/Runes)
    • Seal of Scaling/Flat Mana Regen (Tristana is very mana hungry early)
    • Scaling AP Glyphs (Makes your nuking stronger as the game progresses)
    • Flat Ability Power Quints (Great early game damage and useful late game)
  • Masteries

    • (1) Summoner's Wrath
    • (3) Sorcery
    • 17 Points skilled into standard AP Offensive Masteries
    • 9 Points skilled into utility, taking advantage of Mana and Mana Regen
  • Summoner Spells

    • AP Tristana should always have Ignite and Flash. Ignite helps your burst and Flash lets you land rocket jump, position to Buster Shot your enemy into your team, and to close gaps/make them bigger.
  • Using her AP Build

    • Starting Boots, get one or two Doran's Rings depending on the situation. If you're snowballing early already, you can skip the rings. For boots, you should get Sorcerer's Shoes. Rush Rabadon's Deathcap, and then get Deathfire Grasp for the extra burst. Next, I usually get Zhonya's Hourglass in case I make a mistake during teamfights or if the enemy focuses me. (Which will definitely happen at higher levels; you have one of the highest damaging nuke combos in the game). Then, Lich Bane and Void Staff to finish your build.

In teamfights, don't stupidly jump into the enemy and try to get a kill. Wait for an opening when your team is already fighting - Go in an try to kill whoever needs to be prioritized. Usually I go for the ADC, but sometimes you will not be presented with that opportunity. Kill whoever needs to die first.

Rocket Jump towards target >>> Before Landing, Use Deathfire Grasp for the % Damage (Set it to Smartcast in Options >>> Ignite >>> Fire Explosive Shot to counter Lifesteal/Healing >>> Use Buster Shot if necessary.

Proc your Lich Bane passive whenever you can. Also, remember that if you get a kill, your Rocket Jump refreshes.