League-of-legends – How to counter Damage over Time


I recently played a match and ran up against Twitch the Plague Rat, which seemed to do incredible amounts of damage over time.

Is there a good way, perhaps based on items, to counter damage over time in League of Legends?

Best Answer

Countering damage over time, like any other damage, depends on largely what kind of damage you are taking. If, for example, you are being hurt by Teemo's Toxic Shot, then you'll want to get items with magic resist. If Talon's Noxian Diplomacy is your bane, then you'll want to build more armor. Health is also a solid option if you have problems with both and you'll want to build some health anyways to enhance the effects of increased armor and/or magic resistance.

Unfortunately, building more magic resist or armor will not help against Twitch's damage over time. Twitch's Deadly Venom deals true damage, which ignores all damage reduction from armor and magic resistance. Therefore, your only option is to build more health.

Your other option is find a way to remove the damage-over-time effect, which can only be achieved through the Quicksilver Sash or its upgrade, the Mercurial Scimitar. While the summoner spell Cleanse can clear crowd control debuffs, it will not remove most damage-over-time effects as they are typically not tied to crowd control effects.