League-of-legends – How to improve playing Rumble against Yorick


Yorick's Ghosts keep harassing me and I cannot even farm under the turret! When he gets his Tear of the Goddess, he's unstoppable because he can turret dive with his ultimate whenever he wants, and I can't do a thing.

I tried asking for a jungler gank, but Yorick is tough and he can always escape
from the ganks.

What should I do when I'm Rumble?

Best Answer

First of all, recognize that this is not a favorable matchup. You aren't going to harass him out of lane. Unless the Yorick makes a terrible mistake, he's not going to be low enough for you to burst either. With that in mind, you "win" this match up by coming out of the lane with equal or better farm. Don't take needless harass trying to hit Yorick with your flamethrower, etc.

Second, pay attention to Yorick's items. If he rushes Manume immediately after his tear, he's going offensive and will probably be trying to kill you. so play extra defensive. You may even be able to bait Yorick into over committing while your jungle is near by, creating a gank oppurtunity. If Yorick comes back with Spirit Shroud, he's building tankier. This means that he's going to do significantly less damage. With the sustain from a hextech revolver, you should be able to free farm.

Third, Yorick's meaningful damage is AD. However, he's not going to be getting any armor pen items and probably didn't rune for armor pen either. Some armor items like Ninja Tavi's will significantly reduce the damage that Yorick is doing to you.

Finally, the biggest way to solve this issue IS jungle ganks. Junglers don't always know when you're countered in lane though. If you are up against Yorick, as for a gank EARLY. Be polite and friendly. Explain that once Yorick hit's 6, the gank is much harder. A lvl 2 gank would be best but even a lvl 4 gank after a full jungle clear can do wonders against Yorick. If you get one that early, he probably won't have been back to buy a ward.