League-of-legends – How to play Jax vs. Olaf


I just played a ranked game as Jax top lane against Olaf, and got I outlaned by quite a bit.

So can anyone explain to me, does Olaf beat Jax or is there a specific way to play Jax so that I win the lane?


Best Answer

Olaf does naturally beat Jax. What you can do is:

  1. ask for ganks. Since Olaf uses his Axe(Q) to do dmg, he pushes the lane and can get ganked (pre lvl 6)
  2. Go for Phage first. One Patch ago, I would have suggested you to go for HoG, but since it got nerfed I wouldn't recommend that. Try to get 2-3 Dorans Blades and then go straight for Phage -> Sheen.
  3. Max W (as always). Try to make the trades longer. Olaf has really really strong trades as long as they are short, since his main dmg is his E. You have to know the CD on his E. You can just eat one E, than activate your stun and chase him down for several seconds (~5). After you stunned him and did 1 -2 hits (obviously using W, Q if necessery to gap close) you can just back out, or if you have Q up jump away.
  4. Healpots and a red Elexier. Use the red elexier to make him overextend, after lvl 6 if noone has an advantage you will probably be stronger.

its just a bad match up for Jax, but if you play deffensive and leave the lane with 10-20 cs less, you are still going to do work in teamfights.