League-of-legends – How to Skarner increase the distance he can pull an Impaled champion


Besides Movement Speed effects, I would like to know a list of any ways Skarner can move/be moved (using the help of his allies, not enemies) while his ultimate, Impale is active.

Best Answer

Thresh is the only champion that can relocate his allies at the moment, so I scoured Youtube for Dark Passage/Impale combination. Here is the result.

So I think I can safely say that this combination does work. Have fun dragging your enemies under tower from a great distance!

(There are also a large number of champions that can grant movement speed buffs, but that doesn't sound like what you're looking for.)

Edit: With the release of Kalista, another method has arisen, and it works!


Edit 2: Electric Boogaloo: Neither Bard's Magical Journey, nor Tahm Kench's Abyssal Journey work. I think that Kench's Devour does work, but I'm having difficulty finding proof.