League-of-legends – How to survive when playing in mid (middle) lane


Normally when I play LoL PVP I usually go top or bot, and I find that it is much easier to survive. However in mid lane there are plenty of areas for me to get ambushed and get killed.

Should I be stocking up on wards, or what?

Best Answer

Surviving mid lane is definitely a whole different ball game compared to top and bot.

Not only are there 2 sides to get ambushed from but you need at least 2 wards to cover both sides enough to comfortably not get ganked, and push a tower. Typically the most wards you should put down is 2, and hope your jungle is nice enough to ward for you as well. That way you can have all 4 ward spots covered.

enter image description here

Ignore the extra stuff this was the first google image of the map I could find that worked, the 4 spots I have circled are the 4 most important ward spots for mid.

I personally will ward the spot with the bush that is on my side, and thats it. I will then stick to that side no matter what. I might even ask the jungler to sit top or bottom depending on enemy jungle wanting to babysit my opponent or not and which side im on.

Unless I am laning with a champion with no escape I find it pointless to waste gold early game on wards. Even then I can usually comfortable sit under my tower and win CS all game.

The best way to survive mid lane is to use a champ that has some sort of cc or escape. Then not make simple mistakes like pushing to hard unless you notice the jungle is ganking top or bot and your opponent is either dead or ported back.