League-of-legends – How to teleport to anywhere on the map with camera locked


I want move to anywhere on the map with the Teleport summoner spell. But I play with the camera locked on the champion. When I need see far details on the map, I click and hold the left mouse button on minimap. So the only way I found to teleport is unlock the camera (Y hotkey) and after the teleport lock again.

There is some simple method to teleport with camera locked or I'm doing something fundamentally wrong?

Best Answer

You can teleport to a turret by clicking on its icon on the minimap. This will only work with turrets, however. I've just tested it on minions as well as Sight Wards, neither of which respond. When you click Teleport and then hover over a turret, you will see the icon change from a light blue to a light green, indicating that it's a valid locatioln.