League-of-legends – How to you counter Orianna


I am maining midlane and have trouble with Orianna.

I've played different champions against her with mixed success.

  • Karthus is quite good against Orianna if I dodge her poke and just farm from range with q, but well yes, he's always a safe pick.

  • I've tried different AD Mages including Jayce, Trynd, Panth, and Talon against her and all seemed to work out pretty well but mainly because Orianna went MR.

How else can you counter Orianna?

Best Answer

Orianna is very reliant on her ball, pick champions with high mobility and/or sustain. When playing against Orianna, take consideration of these points.

  1. Always stay away from the ball, if you run into the ball she'll cast her spells on it. Try to dodge it too. (start with boots)

  2. If she planted the ball near you, try to have minions between you and the ball, it reduces the damage per target hit.

  3. Orianna's spell damage is not super high early game because of that she will try to harrass you despite her mana cost on her q being lowered a month ago or so. She will run out of mana quickly.

  4. Orianna is very squishy, try to harrass her back, after she missed a q. you can bully her around for a few sec.

  5. As i've mentioned before, Orianna can't instantly kill you, she counts on harrassing you to 50% health before actully attemping to attack(thats early and middle game) so if you are willing to have a clash with her, make it fast.

  6. Orianna has such short cooldowns with the right items, not to mention that she counts on the combo of her skills all together so any silence or stun in the middle of her combo will ruin it.

  7. Beware of her passive, it gets underestimated a lot but when she gets a few autoattacks on you, it hurts..