League-of-legends – How viable is Taric as a Support in higher level of play in comparison to, say, Soraka


My main support pick is Taric, and while I have not had much trouble with him so far, I wonder how good of a pick he is in high level play.

It is not common to see Taric picked in pro-level games, most of the pro supports seem to go for Soraka, Janna or Sona instead.

As such, what is the advantage those champions have over Taric?

Best Answer

It's just that Taric does nothing special. If you want to play aggressive (utilize the stun) you can go for Leona or Alistar or even Blitzcrank. If you want to utilize the Armor and the Heal, go for Soraka or Janna. If you want to utilize a mix of these things... get Sona!

For everything that Taric does, there is someone who does it better. Still, if you like the champion, you can play him for sure and you will have a lot of success with him. While you could still see some people using Taric a few patches ago, I fairly doubt you will see this as frequently after Sona got buffed again.