League-of-legends – If Xerath gets charmed by Ahri in his self-root (R) stance, will he move


If Xerath uses Rite of the Arcane (R) and Ahri charms him, will he move, or stay in the same spot?

Best Answer

If Xerath gets foced to move, the ability will be interrupted and he will move. This counts for Ahri charm, fears (Fiddle Q etc.), knockups (Alistar Q etc.) and knockbacks (3rd Riven Q etc.). Normal stuns, roots or silences won't end the Locus but you are unable to cast spells or autoattack while stunned/silenced.

Also if this stance gets interrupted the Bonus movementspeed will not be granted.

There was also a discussion on the forum to make xerath immune to CC that forces him to move, but he's getting a rework now anyways where they replace the W with another spell.