League-of-legends – Is a Support Ashe viable


ADC and Support have near the same level of tankiness. Would Ashe work as a good support considering she would have a utility slow which can be buffed by her q,frozen mallet and rylais crystal scepter as well as her ult stun?

Best Answer

My opinion on this is that Ashe would make a bad support. By support I talk about one going full support, i.e. relying on passive gold, masteries, GP/10 items as a way to grab gold, and a champion that is here for the sole purpose of enabling an ADC to grow in power.

Why is this? Because her kit is made to deal damage over utility. Of course, she has a nice slow, but she lacks a real crowd control ability to mitigate the other ADC damage. If you take other supports, Lulu Thresh and Janna have a shield, Sona has the Z (W, on US keyboards) power chord that decreases the target's damage, Soraka Sona Taric and Nami have heals, Taric Lulu Thresh and Leona have stuns that stop the ADC from attacking.

In what way can Ashe compete in this area? Ok, her ult can stun, I'll grant you this. But this comes with a huge cooldown. Basically, if the other team attacks, you can only not lose by doing more damage and killing them.

Second point, the squishiness of supports are usually well addressed by their kit in late game. Shields, heals or armour boost grow with the champion level. Ashe doesn't have any of this. So, unless you buy armour and health, you will still be squishy.

Third, all support champions have some small way to boost their ADC on other characteristics like: attack speed, movement speed, AD, AP. Ashe has none of these.

However, this does not mean that Ashe would be a bad pick for the second bot-laner. But then you can't really say you are playing her as a support. If your objective is to completely overwhelm the other team and force them to hug their tower, this may be a good pick.

Edit: On the slow component I did not talk about

First of all, we need to read this on wikia and Ashe's page as well.

Ashe's Frost Shot slow cannot be buffed by either Frozen Mallet nor Rylai's Scepter as her Frost Shot does not proc on hit effects. Only her AoE slow can be stacked with Rylai's (as Frozen Mallet is for AA only).

So it is really not a good idea to build Frozen Mallet on Ashe in any cases. Rylai's Crystal Scepter... hum 2900 gold for 80AP and 500 health? What will Ashe do with 80 AP anyway? A Randuin's Omen would be far more interesting for her.

And final thought: does Ashe really need a boost to her slow? Really?