League-of-legends – Is it possible to flash out of the way of a spell that occurs almost instantly


I have fairly fast reaction times and am able to flash out of the way of say an Ashe or Jinx ulti if I don't see it early enough to right click my character away.

Some champs have spells that occur almost instantaneously, but within a certain range. For example, Blitzcrank can only grab people within a certain range of him/her/it.

It's sometimes predictable when Blitz is going for the grab, so I was wondering if it was possible to flash out of the way of his grab to escape it?

Best Answer

In League of Legends there are 3 major type of spells. Targeted, Self-Cast and Skillshots.

Targeted abilities are locked on the target. If the target moves or flashes away, the ability will still hit the target (Like Annie's Q or Ranged Basic Attacks)

Self Cast or Stance abilities only work on yourself, you cannot target them on a teammate (but it can still benefit teammates, such as Sona's Basic Abilities)

Skillshots are aimable by the caster, but their travel path is constant. If one is coming your way you can flash or just dodge it. Blitzcrank's grab is a skillshot, so you can dodge it.

However, you cannot flash away from the hook once it lands on you, similarly to Darius' E. There is an exception to this - Ezreal's E (a blink/dash) is able to prevent being pulled, while visually making Blitzcrank's arm extend even further (which is so funny)