League-of-legends – Is the new Feast mastery more impactful than Double Edged Sword


I was fixing up my mastery pages, and I stumbled upon the Feast mastery. At first, I ignored this mastery, as I felt that it was essentially useless.

enter image description here

Whereas Double Edged Sword, seems infinitely more useful and can have a large impact on the game, despite the increased damage taken.

enter image description here

In summary, is 20 health every 25 seconds actually useful on specific champions, or does dealing extra damage, but taking additional damage pose more of an impact on the the game?

Best Answer

The Feast mastery equates to 4HP/5 which is great for lane sustain. I pick this up on marksmen 100% of the time myself. As well as mid laners who primarily want to sit back and farm the lane.

If you are playing anyone who relies more on lane kills than CS (such as assassin mids or carry top laners like Riven and Fiora), you will want to go for Double-edged Sword to increase your damage dealt.

Double-edged Sword obviously does work better on melee mids like Talon and Katarina, and top laners than it would for say Ahri or LeBlanc. So you may want to look up at your match-up (if in draft mode) and decide if Feast might be best for that game in particular.