League-of-legends – Issue in Updating LoL


So my League of Legends version is a little behind, and I'm getting it up-to-date. However, it will not let me download the next file in the update, stating

Unable to connect to the network, please try again later.

So, I waited a while, and tried again later, just like the magic 8-ball instructed. However, I am still not able to connect. In looking into the logs, it says:

03/05/2012 17:00 [WARNING] Attempt to retrieve metafile[LOL.Air/93/LOL.Air_93_90to93.solid]
03/05/2012 17:00 [INFO] [LOL.Air] State change [PATCHER_STATE_PREPARE] to [PATCHER_STATE_FAILED]

Which leads me to believe that it can connect, it is just having troubles with the files. Does anyone know of a fix for this updater issue?

Update: Apparently others have had the same issue, but there doesn't seem to have been any resolution.

Best Answer

Apparently, in spite of other people with similar issues, the problem was just an issue server side. After some time I was able to download the update without trouble. As @Resorath suggested, the logs likely indicate trying to find it locally, then on the server, and then notification of failure.

If you continue to run into issues, reinstalling the game may help. This ended up to be the quicker thing for me to do, rather than waiting for the server to connect.