League-of-legends – it the best time to leave the Laning Phase


Even after you take the turret should you continue to pressure lane or is roaming a must?

Best Answer

Lane phase is a part of the game to help people understand the mechanics.

When do a leave my lane ?

You can start roaming even before break the turret.

When is a good moment to start my roaming?

You start your roaming when:

  • You have vision of the path you are going to (to avoid ganks)
  • Your lane is pushed
  • The opponent is not pushing your lane too hard
  • After a kill and with good health, mana and cd

How can I do a good roaming ?

  • Buy some wards to river.
  • Be aware of the opponent wards.
  • Don't let they know where you are or where you are going
  • Keep good hit points, mana and cd
  • Know where you have the major possibility of get the kill/help your team

When do I need stay in my lane?

  • If your lane is in balance. (minions on the mid of the lane)
  • If your opponent keep pushing (if you kill him, then is a good moment to roaming before recalling)
  • If you are losing your lane