League-of-legends – Item(s) that improve champion states by percentage similar to Rabadon Deathcap and Void Staff


I play Ziggs and very favor of Rabadon Deathcap and Void Staff which give extra ability power in percentage of champion's AP instead of a specific number.

So my question is what are LoL items that give extra in percentage power to a champion stats?


Well I need items that improve in percentage for any kind that profits a champion.

Best Answer

The follwing are a list of (most) items that provide stats in the form of a percentage.

Attack Damage (AD)

  • Sterak's Gage: +25% base AD. Extra +25% base AD after taking 400-1800 (based on level) damage in 5 seconds (unique passive, 45 second cooldown).

Ability Power (AP)

  • Rabadon's Deathcap: +35% AP (unique passive).
    (Void Staff actually only gives +80 flat AP, you seem to have mistaken the 35% magic penetration it gives for something else.)

Cooldown Reduction

  • Essence Reaver: Gain increasingly more cooldown reduction from critical strike chance provided by other sources (unique passive).
    This is not really providing cooldown reduction as a percentage of cooldown reduction, but I left it in here anyway.


  • Cinderhulk: +15% health

Other stats are always provided for by items as a percentage of base amount:

  • Health Regen
  • Mana Regen
  • Movement speed (except from boots)
  • Attack speed

If anyone else has any to add that I have forgotten, please say so.