League-of-legends – Luden’s Echo and Karthus ult


Gains charges upon moving or casting. At 100 charges, the next spell hit expends all charges to deal 100 (+0.15 ability power) bonus magic damage to up to 4 targets on hit. Applies spell Effects (e.g., Spell Vamp, Rylai's, etc).

How does this behave with Karthus ultimate?

Best Answer

From a Reddit post explaining the behavior between Luden's Echo and Karthus Ult:

  • Luden's Echo cannot bounce more than once.
  • Luden's Echo prioritises the first pick (press tab it's the first champion on red team)
  • Luden's Echo hits invisible targets
  • Luden's Echo when hitting minions also hits invisible targets.
  • Luden's Echo does not proc on Karthus E or W.
  • Karthus E does not add "20" to the Luden's Echo Counter.

This is the TL;DR, did not want to post the entire article here. If you want to give it a read, you can check it out here: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2yskwz/ludens_echo_karthus_interaction/