League of Legends: My game is freezing out of nowhere


I am playing League of Legends with around 33 ping and great wifi, but about 6-10 times a game out of nowhere my game just freezes for about 5 seconds. I would think that this is an issue with my wifi but my wifi is always up and it happens every game.
I have seen stuff about lag spikes but this is not a lag spike because my ping stays the same, is this a known glitch? Because I can't find it anywhere, if so or if not is there a way to fix this?

Best Answer

Have you installed LoL a while ago?

There are often problems with logs starting to be too big and being 'too big to managed' by the OS.


Basically, in windows, opening a 4k file on the fly? no sweat. Opening a 4gb file on the fly? that could cause problems.

So my guess is you might have huge log files, and when it needs to open it to write something in it, you experience the freeze.