League-of-legends – New Twisted Treeline Base Walls – Skills or Spells that jump over them


With the new twisted treeline riot also introduced this new elevated base which has one set of stairs on each side and a big wide wall in the middle. The reason behind this design (in my oppinion) is to solve the problem of Turtling (i.e. Staying back and defending most of the time without risking going out and fight). In the old map it was really easy to turtle because the distance between the last turret and the base/shop was really small so practically if you had a good defensive team you could stay safe and healed all the time and protect your mid turret whereas attackers would eventually get worn down and have to back down or overcommit and die.

With this new wall between your turret and your base you can't do that anymore.

They also introduced that new even wider wall seperating your nexus from the outter jungle.
The reason behind this is that people would easily flash in there (or spin or jump etc) and storm your unprotected nexus after they had destroyed your last turret.

My Question:
Which skills or spells can jump over each of those walls?
I'm pretty sure that for the first one most of the classic jumping spells would do.
But the second one is really big. So if you guys have tested it out put your results out there. 🙂

Best Answer

The wall was made thick enough so that you couldn't just flash or 'jump' over/through the wall and quickly end the game (Master Yi, Jax, Trynd, etc. ), so I wouldn't be surprised if very few ,if any champs at all, could make it over the wall.

I've heard that Kha'zix evolved leap can make it over as well as Elise as long as an enemy is on the other side. I've also heard that if you're lucky Shaco's Decieve can make it over the wall as well with practice. Jarvan's may be possible but haven't seen someone post about trying it.