League-of-legends – pattern to Draven’s Spinning Axes


The newest champion in League of Legends, Draven, has an ability called Spinning Axes. It increases the damage of your next basic attack and bounces into the air. If you are able to catch it before it hits the ground, the effect lingers, increasing every attack until you fail to catch said axe. You can have two of these going at one time.

The only problem with this is, in the heat of battle, the axes become very difficult to keep track of when they go flying every which way.

Is there any way of predicting which direction these axes will go upon launch? Or is it completely random?

Note: I realize it leaves an indicator on the ground. I'm wondering if it is possible to predict where that indicator will appear.

Best Answer

From what I have read, watched, and experienced, this is how it seems to work:

When stationary, the axes will either come right back to you or go slightly left or right of the way you are facing. It appears to have a fairly good chance of just bouncing back to you, but don't count on this as it can be debatable.

When moving, it will always go ahead of you in whatever direction you are facing after the axe hits. You can use this to your advantage to try and plan where the axe will land by quickly clicking to move a different direction before it hits. Its landing can be altered by terrain as well.

Quick note about when you have two going, none of the above are affected. It is just like a normal Spinning Axe, but there are two of them! :P