League-of-legends – Sejuani vs Leona Support


Yesterday, I decided to mix things up a bit in teambuilder and try an irregular support.
I decided on Sejuani since she has a little bit of CC (Q and Slows and after Lv6 Ultimate), I thought she'd be able to peel moderately while still dishing out damage.


  • Can deal more damage than Leona
  • At Lv6 She can shutdown hyper carries that try to go after your ADC or other important targets.
  • Ultimate's stun is more reliable as it is slightly faster to stun and it slows just like Leona's ultimate.


  • Not quite as tanky as Leona (negligible in my opinion, due to Sej Passive).
  • Engaging is slightly more difficult as Sej's Q is shorter range than Leona's E.
  • Only one stun (Not huge since Sej's Q knocks up enemies).

My Sej Build (so far):

I start with Relic and just play Passive Aggressive. I avoid taking unnecessary damage until I feel we have an opening then I go in. Fights before Lv.6 haven't gone terribly well, but not awful either. Once I hit Lv.6 it becomes an easy kill every 2 minutes or so. I've even stunned 4/5 enemies and slowed the 5th with Sej ult (something I've never even come close to doing with Leona).

Relic -> Sightstone -> Iceborn Gauntlet -> Randiuns -> Situational items such as MR or Rylai's.

I feel I did really well as Support Sej but obviously this was only against a couple of enemies. Once against Lux/Caitlyn and another against Thresh/Caitlyn. We won both matches, however, I can't help but feel this was solely because both teams had a Yi both games and all I had to do was Ult their Yi and ours would destroy their team.

Question(s): Is it agreeable that Sejuani can support? Are there other Pros/Cons I have missed? Things to keep in mind? Do you think Sej would be viable without using a hyper-carry like Yi?

Best Answer

Can Support? Sure. Every champion can support. You can also play every champion on full AD and most of them also on full AP. The main question is: Is sejuani better than other supporters?

Now I agree with most of the points you listed in the pro vs con in comparison to Leone except for one.

Sejuani doesn't deal more damage than Leona. While yes she does more damage on her own, one of the main reasons why leona is so strong is her passive which will get triggered by different friendly damage spells.

Let's take a look at the more popular supporters in the current meta (except for Leona, your points are right if we don't look at the damage factor)


  • Huge utility with lantern, Aggressive and defensive
  • Well placed hook can change a Lane/Game
  • His E provides a strong offensive and defensive mechanic
  • Can harass with autoattacks


  • Great sustain
  • AOE CC Chain
  • Can Buff Damage, Movementspeed and On-Hit slow
  • Can harass with autoattacks


  • Longest Hard-CC in the game (3 seconds, 5 seconds if chained)
  • Can negate stuns
  • Damage dealer in late game

Now as you can see: The things Sejuani is lacking are Long CC chains, Carry Protection, Damage and Utility. If one of these things were added or improved, I'm sure she would make for a great support but currently there are far more viable choices.

Now as I said, this doesn't mean she is completely unviable as a supporter, who knows maybe you can get to challenger by playing a mastered Support Sejuani but remember: Winning games, no matter what rating you're at, is possible with every champion but usually adapting to the Tier lists and Meta is a lot easier.