League-of-legends – Should Alistar be getting kills


Alistar is one of my main champs, but I notice that I almost never kill anyone with him. Just one or two by luck, so I normally build myself as tank.

Is there any build or anything that can help me? Or is it impossible? Even if I can't be a super killing machine I would like to make more damage.

Best Answer

Don't worry too much about trying to get kills - Alistar's role in a match is to provide support and disruption. You may not get many killing blows, but if you're a decent player, you should have many many assists instead.

If you're worried about losing out on the money that comes with kills, I'd suggest you look into Gold/10 items on Alistar - Philosopher's Stone and Heart of Gold being the better of the 4 for him. (Duplicate items don't stack, but there's nothing stopping you from picking up one of each).

That said, Alistar makes good use of Sheen, which is a cheap way to double your basic attack damage, and gives him mana to boot.