League-of-legends – Soloing the Rift Herald


So I saw this question: Is it possible to solo Baron Nashor? but I did not see a question that was about soloing the Rift Herald.

Is it possible to solo him? So far I have not had any luck in normal games as he feels a lot stronger then a newly spawned Baron. I thought that maybe a Shaco could use his clone to trigger the true damage but that didn't work out too well due to being too squishy.

I tried some other champions in a custom game where I could get fed quickly. Shyvana can't do it as the Herald hits too hard. Same goes for Yi. Jax did quite well but just like the previous ones he dies too quickly against the Herald. Kindred doesn't work because the Rift Herald takes reduced ranged damage.

Getting armor/hp won't work either as you can't tank the Herald at all. So to me it seems the Herald is impossible to solo.

Best Answer

Short answer: Yes, it is possible.

There are already many videos in youtube which prove that fact:

Yorick in minute 8:00:

Shaco in minute 6:00:

Elise in minute 10:00:

Just to give a small bunch of examples.