League-of-legends – Stats of Riven’s Wind Slash


Wind Slash is the ranged area damage (cone in front) spell that Riven can use once she activates her R. I've read that it is similar to Garen's Demacian Justice, i.e. it deals more damage to lower health targets.

I have not found good information on the actual base stats & scaling for Wind Slash, since actual tooltips etc. are all related to the base AD & range boosts for her R.

  • What are the actual numbers, if possible with comparison to Garen's ultimate?
  • How do I effectively use Wind Slash in 1v1s and team fights?

Best Answer

According to the League of Legends Wikia

Wind Slash: Riven can activate the ability to emit a shockwave in a long cone in front of her that deals physical damage to all units hit based on their missing health.

No cost
Range: 900
Missile Speed: 2200 

Minimum Physical Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 (+0.6 per bonus attack damage)

Maximum Physical Damage (25% health or lower): 240 / 360 / 480 (+1.8 per bonus attack damage)

Since this has linear scaling, this means that the minimum damage (before reduction from armor) occurs at 100% health, the maximum is at 25% or below, with an increase of 300% (over the base ability) at this optimal usage.

This means that (give or take) you get a 4% increase in damage per 1% missing health (though, again, it's linear, not a step function).

This scaling is different from both Garen (who gets bonus damage per missing health point) and Lee Sin (who gets bonus damage based on a percentage of the missing health).