League-of-legends – the best option for an AD only champion against a heavy armor champion with thornmail+frozen heart


I was wondering when playing with an AD only character like Tryndamere, what the best way is to deal with a character like Rammus or Malphite wearing Thornmail+Frozen Heart?

Best Answer

first thing: last whisper

if you dont play a ranged ad you might get a brutaliser into ghostblade, too for even more armor pen.

also: if you play ranked and you see they have a heavy anti-ad/full armor team comp, try to rush armor pen. runes (marks and maybe quints) so you can negate as much armor as possible

black cleaver is also a good armor shredding item

and the best tip, i can give to you: go as bruiser (for example tryndamere) on their damage dealer (ap carry, ad carry). theese champs have to buy heavy dmg-items and aren't so tanky in generell so you should be able to take them out quickly.

hope i could help
