League of Legends – Difference Between Automatic Attack and Attack-Move-Attack-Move


What is the difference between automatic attack and attack-move-attack-move?
I mean, attack someone and just stand in my place and let the automatic attack do the work? or attack, move aside and attack again and so on?

Best Answer

The term for this is Stutter stepping.

This is a hugely important aspect of many games for several reasons.

The reason it is important is because moving doesn't affect your auto attack cooldown. So if you can attack every second, in between those seconds, you can move and it won't delay your attack. This mechanic allows you to move in between your attacks without lowering your DPS (if done perfectly, it's normal to reduce it slightly).

Now when you're attacking a melee champion for instance who is coming towards you, you can attack them, run away in this auto attack cooldown and then attack again. This allows you to get in more attacks before they reach you.

Similarly you can stutter step towards an enemy that is retreating in order to get more attacks in.

Another reason is that it allows you to reposition yourself. In a team fight position is hugely important, you don't wanna group too much with your allies or be too far away from them. So in order to not lower your dps, stutter step.

The final reason that I can think of off the top of my head is that it allows you to dodge attacks/ be more unpredictable. If you just stand there attacking the enemy will hit you with their skillshots everytime. You can reduce the chance of them hitting you by stutter stepping in any direction.

It's important to note that you can start to move before your attack animation has finished.