League-of-legends – the maximum Cho’Gath’s ultimate damage


I was looking at my wife game, when she played as Annie in EUW. In enemy team there was a Cho'Gath who did 2753 true damage using his ultimate.

That is far beyond what i thought was possible. It happened around 42 – 47 min.

enter image description here

At 47:59 Cho'Gath's had following items:

  • Mercury's Treads with Homegauards
  • Spirit Visage
  • Rod of Ages
  • Banshee's Veil
  • Luden's Echo
  • Rabadon's Deathcap

With total of 539 ap

enter image description here

Other enemy team members who could have modified him are:

  • Amumu
  • Gangplank
  • Twitch
  • Blitzcrank

his runes
enter image description here

and masteries
enter image description here

can anyone explain this (even if it is a bug)?

Best Answer

539 AP, 650+70% AP damage means that he dealt 1027 points of true damage.

That's a lot, but it's nothing like 2753 so there are two possibilities:

  1. You misread the death damage display somehow (there's no way to check since you haven't got a screenshot of it)
  2. Luden's Echo somehow confused things. It could have caused a magic damage proc as well as the true damage. That magic damage hitting multiple targets.
  3. There are no other options really since true damage is never modified by anything.

I've never tested it but it's plausible that that combined with the massive amounts of AoE magic damage Cho does caused a bug in the death display.

It seems very unlikely that it actually dealt that much damage (and I've played Cho a lot and it's never happened to me). That sort of bug would be extremely serious and get fixed fast so it's far more likely to be a display issue.

It might be worth submitting this as a bug report to Riot though so they can investigate.