League-of-legends – the purpose of putting ad/support top


I often see pro league players switch their top and bot – ad/support going top and bruiser going bot. What is the purpose of this switch? Is it more efficient for ganks and securing objectives? Or is it to counter certain team compositions?

Best Answer

The reason they do this is to deny Gold/XP to the enemy's Solo Top and AD Carry, getting an advantage vs certain hard team compositions.

For example: Versus an AD Carry Graves+Alistar/Solo Top Talon. Swapping lanes makes the enemy Solo Top and AD Carry lose allot of CS and XP and maybe confusing them in the process, making them prone to mistakes that normally they wouldn't make.

You can do this with a Cho'gath solo top, I believe. Since he can regenerate his HP easily and farm well even vs 2 opponents due to he's AoE spells.

Check out this game CLG.NA Vs MiG.Blaze from the Korean Azubu LoL The Champions Spring 2012 tournament

Hope this helps :).