League-of-legends – use spells/items using the champ icons on the left


I saw a YouTube video of a Shen player who tried to ult an ally using the champ icons on the left, for my disgrace he didn't make it in time, but it is obvious he tried that for a good reason (which is that it is possible).

So my inquiries instantaneously became:

  • Can Shen ult this way? (if Yes, does it work with smart casting?)
  • Can I also use items or range-spells (e.g Nidalee heal or Zilean bombs) if my allies are within range? (bonus: if they are not in range, will my champion walk towards them?)

Best Answer

Yes, the portraits can be used to target any non-skillshot ability, regardless of range.

edit: They can also be used to target the champion period, so you can see their stats and item build.

second edit: If a champion out of range is targeted using the portraits on the left, you will walk to that champion to cast your spell\ability.