League-of-legends – Warwick attack speed questions


I am wondering if it makes any sense to activate Warwicks W before I ult, it seems like the attack speed increase would have no affect. Better to activate after the ult is complete?

ACTIVE: Warwick blinks to the front of an enemy champion and channels
for 1.5 seconds, suppressing the target for 1.8 seconds and dealing
magic damage 5 times in 1/3-second intervals. MAGIC DAMAGE PER HIT: 50
/ 67 / 84 (+ 40% bonus AD) TOTAL DAMAGE: 250 / 335 / 420 (+ 200% bonus
AD) Warwick gains 30% life steal for the duration. Each damaging
strike applies on-hit effects, life steal, and maximum stacks of
Eternal Thirst

Also, what is the attack speed cap for Warwick? I noticed most Warwick builds contain Wits End (50%), BRK (40%), Feral Flare (30%) and then also Attack Speed runes (13.5%). Then you add his "W" to that as well.

Best Answer

To answer both of your questions:

Should I activate Warwicks W before ult?

Well it won't help you. The ultimate has a fixed duration and only scales with AD and Magic Penetration. It can sometimes however be helpful if your ADC is around since your Ult is often used as a stun. Your teammates will have more attackspeed but in 1on1 situation you should activate it after the ult.

What is the Attackspeed Cap for Warwick

It's the same as for every champion. 2.5 Attacks per second. You can try to reach it but it's usually not a very viable build. If you have 1.5 attackspeed you will have more than enough if you are tanky aswell.