League-of-legends – way to know, in client, if the champion I’m about to play is AP oriented or AD oriented


From within the LoL client, is there a way to know if the champion I'm about to play is mostly AP or AD; or do you have to load up lolking or just know it before you lock in?

I often just look at my champions and decide what I want to try on the spot; but when it's a champion that I do not know thoroughly, I won't know before loading in game if it scales on AP or AD. Not really useful to decide my runes!

So is there a way to know, from within the client, if the champion I'm about to play is more oriented AP or AD?

Best Answer

Yes, there is a place where you can go to find this information. If you click on the link to Collection and go to the Champions tab, clicking on one of the champions will bring up a page listing their damage type, play-style, and abilities among other things. See below for examples of what this looks like.

enter image description hereenter image description here