League-of-legends – What are some good reasons to buy doran’s ring as an AP mid champ


When I play I usually only like to buy a doran's ring if I start to fall behind or I'm getting harassed and zoned. I might be forced to back early, and only have enough gold for a Doran's Ring instead of a more expensive item like Kage's pick or a Blasting Wand. Sometimes getting the Doran's Ring will help get me back into the game and catch up in CS if I was behind.

Are there other reasons or rationale for going Doran's ring? I know some people will build 2 or 3 Doran's ring. What is the rationale for doing this and are there some specific champions who benefit more from this kind of build?

Best Answer

Doran's Rings give you an early lane advantage. While they don't build into anything later the way that a catalyst or a blasting wand might, they immediately give you health, mana regen, and damage. Short term, Doran's Rings give you better value for your gold than other items.

The most common reason If you are playing aggressively AP, you can use these items to generate a lane advantage that turns into kills or a significant farm lead. For example, if get a kill because you were tankier and did more damage than the enemy AP, the Doran's ring has paid for itself. Also, the rings might provide you the mana to spam your clearing ability on a hero like Morgana or Ahri. As a result the enemy AP loses farm to their tower and your ring pays for itself by costing the enemy gold.

If you are going to play passively and farm (Karthus, Anivia, etc.) then Doran's are likely not the right item for you.