League-of-legends – When Lulu’s shield is on a teammate, who do Pix’s bolts count for


When a Lulu puts her shield (E) on a teammate, every time they auto-attack Pix also fires a bolt. Does this bolt "count" for Lulu or that character?

For example, let's say your AD carry is trying to get red buff. You, as Lulu, put your shield on them. Now every time the AD carry auto-attacks, there is a Pix bolt added to it. If it just so happens that the damage from Pix's bolt is what kills the Elder Lizard, will Lulu end up with the buff? Or will the AD carry still get it?

The same question could be asked for champion kills.

If it counts for Lulu, this seems like a big hazard as a support character.

Best Answer

The "attack buff" that Lulu grants is just what it is - an attack buff. The carry's attack that is enhanced by Pix's bolt is still an attack caused by the carry. Basically, when the carry kills someone with Lulu's buff, it's still the carry that kills that target, and is the carry that is accounted for the kill.