League-of-legends – When should an AD Carry take Flash vs. Ghost


When I play an AD Carry in ranked, especially one with a gap closer ( Graves, Corki, Ez, Vayne), I like to choose ghost for the extra chasing power. I don't see the advantage that flash gives, besides the positioning, that makes it a more viable pick than ghost.

Is Flash ever the better choice?

Best Answer

Flash is better in pretty much every way, especially for ADC playing bot

With ghost you do get the extra boost of chasing power but that is ALL you get. If you get CC'd or ganked at all, which you will your ghost will not save you where flash would.

If you'd like an example, lets say your pushing their tower and they have someone who is low and you want to dive. If you ghost and go for him, he will simply flash and be safe, if you have flash you have the potential to actually get an ability/attack off. Or lets say you're about to be hook by a ganking naut, his hook is about to hit you for guaranteed kill if it lands. Ghost will not save you, flash will

The main thing is not getting caught and escaping ganks, flash will save you a lot more considerably then ghost will