League-of-legends – When should I start Doran’s Blade over Hunter’s Machete while jungling


Recently, I've noticed some pro players (and subsequently regular players) using Doran's Blade to start in jungle instead of Hunter's Machete. When is this a good idea? Is it specific to certain champions or is it situational base on the early game strategy?

Note: This question sounds similar but is not what I'm asking (its also super outdated)

Best Answer

Basically, Doran's blade is a good choice if your jungler is very strong and doesn't need the advantages from the Jungling items, or if your jungler intends to play a very gank-heavy game. The more time you spend jungling, whether because you are a weaker jungler or because you aren't ganking so much, the more valuable jungler items are.

It's important to realize that its not primarily a comparison between hunters machete and dorans, its more importantly a comparison between having a jungler item like wriggles or a spirit of the x versus a non-jungler item in the midgame.