League-of-legends – When should you buy Cull and on which champions


I play a lot of adc, especially Vayne, and I know she is a late game champion and needs a few items. I don't currently use Cull because I don't see other people build it, but I don't understand why. Why don't you buy Cull on scaling champions? Have I been doing something wrong all this time or is it just an underpowered item?

Best Answer

Cull is essentially the "I want to get to mid game safely" item for an adc that can farm. It's safe because using its stats only requires you to last-hit minions and will give you back its cost in 100 cs. This is unlike Doran's blade, which lends itself to trades (via HP and lifesteal) with the enemy duo.

You don't see Vaynes build Cull due to her kit's design towards trades (auto reset, 3 hit passive proc, hard cc, invis on ult). She also has short range which makes farming much harder to do without engaging in a trade so you probably won't end up getting the Cull gold passive as easily as you would with Ezreal or Caitlyn.

I think your mistake with Cull is thinking that it lends itself to scaling adcs. Instead you should ask yourself if:

  • a) You don't want to make lots of early trades in lane
  • b) If the champion you are on can safely and quickly get the 100 cs required to proc the Cull passive.

If those are both yes you're fine getting a cull. Also Doran's into cull is pretty good if you find yourself behind in lane because at that point a) is true and b) might not be true but farming might be all you can do if you know you will lose trades form being behind.