League-of-legends – When to start or form a teamfight group


In league of legends you always hit a point where just laning is not profitable enough anymore or it's to dangerous. So many players (obviously) team up and attack with multiple players in a single lane. So team-fights are started. My question would be; is there any sort of criteria for players to make the (game-changing) decision to team up and focus lane or ganks?

Best Answer

With good map awareness and lane control, you're going to want to extend the lane phase as long as possible. Controlling this phase allows you to deny the enemy xp/gold, while reaping it all for yourself.

Generally once the outer towers have fallen, it becomes dangerous to lane. Its a long run to the inner towers from the middle of the lane, and it gets expensive placing enough wards to give you warning. At this point its safer to roam in groups.

There is a bit of fluidity to the decision to stop the lane phase, and it really depends on what's going on around you. Once you've destroyed the outer tower in your lane, push the lane then leave and help another lane. Return if you're in danger of losing your tower, or if the lane is totally undefended and you see an opportunity to take the inner tower.

If you're happily farming your lane and the enemy groups up to take a tower, you generally have to respond in kind, by either defending that tower with equal numbers, taking a tower in another lane, or going after a contested objective (dragon, their blue/red buffs). If the enemy then decides to abandon their attempt and go back to farming lanes, you should probably do so as well.