League-of-legends – Which ranged champion has the highest damage wave clear ability in League of Legends


Which ranged champion has the highest attack damage wave clear potential in League of Legends?

Best Answer

There isn't really a "best" marksman to farm with. Almost all ranged AD champions have the advantage of getting easy last hits due to the fact that they build AD and have basically unlimited resources due to the fact that they don't spend any mana on their "main attack", however there are some that have certain advantages.

Since there are usually two people (Marksman and support) on bot there are certain situations where different champions excel at farming while others are struggling. Therefore I will look at two main aspects of farming: The ability to farm minions and the safety while doing so.

In general there are a few things that contribute to the ability of a marksman to farm well. These are:

Attack speed buffs
These help in pretty much every situation. It just makes it plain easier to last hit and leaves more room for error since you might be able to add in a second hit if you screwed up your last.
Notable examples are Jinx, Varus and Ezreal

High range
High range makes it extremely safe to last hit and it allows for easy switching between harrassing and farming.
Notable examples are Jinx, Caitlyn and Ashe

Area of effect spells/Attacks
This makes waveclearing a lot easier and especially midgame you can kill multiple minions with a single use of an AoE spell.
Notable examples are Jinx, Sivir and Varus

Auto attack resets/Spammable abilities
Auto attack resets or spammable abilities are similar to an increased attack speed. They allow for more errors and can be used to quickly lasthit something.
Notable examples are Ezreal, Sivir and Vayne

Gapclosers/Defensive Spells
Last but not least we have gapclosers. This is again something that doesn't directly affect farming, however if you have the extra safety of a gapcloser you can usually go in for more risky creeps without getting punished too hard by the enemies.
Notable examples are Ezreal, Sivir and Kalista

Based on the factors above it's possible to narrow down the "best" farmers. Obviously these champions will perform differently based on mastery of the champion and the situation they're in but it's pretty safe to say that the following champions are extremely strong, safe or both while farming on bottom.

Probably one of the strongest. She has AOE, high range, low mana cost, attack speed steroids and minor defensive spells. Her only real disatvantage is the fact that she doesn't have any gapclosers.

Sivir has extremely strong waveclear while also staying relatively safe with her spellshield. She also has an auto attack reset and an attack speed buff past lvl 6. Her disadvantage is her low range and lack of gapclosers.

For people who are familiar with lasthitting as an ADC this will probably be the safest of all. You have a free flash every 6-10 seconds and a spammable Q plus an attack speed passive. The only disadvantage there is is the high skill cap of the champion.

She's kind of like a mix between Ezreal and Jinx. While she doesn't have the mobility of ezreal or the damage of Jinx she has a mix of both that make her safe and strong while farming.

As I said. There is no real best champion but most mentioned above will outperform players on the same skill level that aren't playing those champs.