League-of-legends – Why do some players play League of Legends in window mode


While watching this current LoL live world championship (Intel extreme masters), I noticed some players play in window mode. Why is that? What are the benefits of playing LoL in window mode?

Best Answer

The answers already given are correct, but in most cases, players use windowed mode cause they are not at home, and they are used to one resolution. Pro players usually play on one certain resolution, and if they have to go to a LAN event, they tend to set the resolution on their PC to the resolution they are used to, cause even small changes can make a huge diffrence (you cant predict the range exactly if you are used to an other resolution).

Obviouly it also helps with Streaming and/or Alt + Tabbing, but the biggest reason for playing in windowed mode (for pros at least) is the resolution.