League of Legends – Why is Kassadin Not Played in Tournaments?


Why is Kassadin not played very often in high-level competitive play? In casual play he is an almost constant ban, but not in the big tournaments streamed online as part of Season 2, such as the ggChronicle going on at the moment.

Best Answer

He is actually very easily countered, as he specializes in countering standard mid mages, you just need to pick less common things to counter him, which does not happen as much in solo queue.

For instance, Fizz, Talon or any AD carry all counter him quite easily and make his laning phase quite miserable.

And if he gets behind, he needs to roam to get kills, and organized teams are a lot better at avoiding random jumps from him, due to warding, enhanced map awareness and better communication.

So essentially, it is too complicated to get ahead with him in a tournament and isn't worth the risk.