League-of-legends – Why is the LOL client resetting the download


I was trying to install LOL. I got to the screen that allows you to log in, the thing is, the percentage bar goes back to 0%. Many people say that it goes down but keeps downloading whats missing. But it doesn't, it goes all the way down to 13GB when it left at 5GB , I have been trying to download this for three days now and it keeps going on, I do not have any idea how to fix it.

Best Answer

Restart of update download may occur when is error thrown while downloading updates.

Next reason shlould be:

  • LoL client has no rights to the folder
  • LoL client has bug (Not very often to have bug in updater...)
  • LoL client has no rights thru firewall
  • LoL client is being blocked by another programs like antiviruses etc
  • When your PC is low on memory (This should stop updates, but i saw never their code...)
  • LoL client has some connection drops
  • Some kind of problem IO in your cpu (practically insane)