League-of-legends – Will a pink ward reveal Akali’s location, even if the ward isn’t inside the Twilight Shroud


So if I place a pink ward near the twilight shroud (not inside of it), will it still reveal Akali's location?

Best Answer

The ward provide magical vision with a range of 1000. It will reveal any stealth champion within this range unless they are in a bush and the ward itself is not. Akali's shroud is not a bush, so it does not block the magical sighting.

Regarding Akali's shroud, it might be best to keep the ward in your inventory and be quick enough to pop it into her shroud when she pops (if you can kill her). This strategy provides three main advantages: gold efficiency (use the ward only if necessary), surprise effect (Akali might not be as reactive as you are, thinking the stealth is protecting her) and better precision (otherwise she might use her far from your ward).