League-of-legends – Will AP items and runes help auto-attack heavy champions


Champions like Garen, Miss Fortune and Master Yi have high physical damage and low magic damage, but with all of those champions, I use their abilities a lot.

This made me wonder, if I get AP items and runes does it increase those even more? Or do the abilities get stronger with AD items and runes?

Best Answer

Different skills have different AD and AP scaling. For example master Yi's alpha strike increases in power equal to 100% of your AP. So building AP would increase that skill. However, Garen on the other hand has his skills increased by attack damage. So it depends on what champion you are playing and what how you want to play them. Just note that Ability Power does not increase the power of every ability so you need to know which ones do and don't. Master Yi is a champion that I've seen been used AP and AD.