Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword Silent Realm Skyloft Secret Area


It's bugged me for a long time now, that in the silent realm of Skyloft, also known as the Goddess's Silent Realm, on the map, there's an area you cannot access, which is where the goddess statue is. My question is if there's anyway to get there, normally or with a glitch/bug (no hacks) and if there's any secret item or something up there?

Best Answer

Here's a map of the area from IGN: Goddess's Silent Realm map

According to it, the entire Goddess Statue subarea is out-of-bounds, and there's no secret Dusk Relics located there (the only collectible found in Silent Realms). So even if there were a way to sneak your way over there (which I haven't heard of anyone successfully doing), there's nothing to be found.