Level of Jackdaw


I've played Assassin's Creed IV : Black Flag for a while, But I can't find any way to know level of Jackdaw?

Can any one please tell where I can find level of Jackdaw?

Best Answer

There is no direct way to view the Jackdaw's level. The only thing you can really do is pay attention to the color of the text when you look at another ship through the spyglass.

  • Red: Tough Fight
  • White: Evenly Matched
  • Green: Easy Fight

Some people report that if you play a mission where you're in control of another ship and the Jackdaw is fighting with you, you can use the spyglass to look at the Jackdaw which will have a level, but I've never seen any confirmation if that's your actual level or just a fabricated number.