Limit Dwarf Fortress processor usage


I just started playing Dwarf Fortress, and after half an hour, the laptop shut down. The Dwarf Fortress process seems to be at 100% processor usage whenever it isn't paused. Is there a setting for limiting this?

Best Answer

You can, in theory, limit the game update speed and/or graphic update speed, DF will try to run as many updates as possible with respect to the limit, your CPU is stuck at 100% because it's not fast enough (don't worry, as far as I know there are no CPUs fast enough to run DF at the default speed without using all the CPU).

Although settings this at even, say 1, might not work (depends on how the limit is implemented, it should say to the OS "I don't need to do anything for X milliseconds" but it's probably a low priority bug) it's worth a try.