I am currently playing the Warrior character in Hearthstone.
The Warrior class, has the hero ability to gain +2 armor, paying 2 mana crystals.
Besides that, the Warrior has a class cards to add further armor, +5 using Shieldblock.
But lets say that I have a given amount of armor, lets say a 10+ armor and any given health. I have the Shieldblock card on my hand, but I wouldn't waste it if there is a limit to the amount of armor I have.
Are there any limit to how much armor a hero can have in Hearthstone?
Best Answer
There is no practical limit to the amount of armor you may possess, because while armor can increase without bound on Warriors (and to a lesser extent, Druids), the game will never last long enough to get anywhere close to any programmatic limit (due to Fatigue, which cumulatively increases each time it hits you).
According to the wiki, even if you survive 49 turns over fatigue (by which time you would have been out of cards for at least ~22 turns), the game ends in a draw on the 50th turn.
So Armor Up, and sleep soundly knowing that more armor is never wasted!