Limit to the number of vehicles I can store in the garage


Courtesy of Steam's wallet abusing summer sale, I am now hooked on the best sandbox game of 2011: Saints Row The Third. Or, as my friends call the game: the reason respawn won't come hang out with us tonight.

In any case, I love the garage mechanic as compared to the GTA series. Specifically, I love the fact that you can store a lot of vehicles at once in SR3, as opposed to the GTA method of storing just whatever the heck you can cram in the garage. But I also love that, once I pimp my ride, it's always available for me at any garage I own, even if I leave it somewhere. This got me wondering if there is an upper limit to the number of cars that I'm able to store in my garage or if, much like the Tardis, it's really a lot bigger on the inside than the outside.

So, how many rides can a ride pimper keep, after a ride pimper pimps his rides?

Best Answer

This seems to be a bit like Saints Row 2, where the "listed" capacity of the garage was 160, but in practice you couldn't get anywhere near that amount.

My garage is currently full with 89 vehicles in it: like in SR2, all vehicles in a garage (boats, planes, helicopters, and everything else) count toward your max. When you've reached it, you will be unable to store anything more in any of your garages, and you won't be able to customize a new vehicle (but you can customize a vehicle that you or a homie have retrieved from your garage).

89 seems like an unusual number. The Saints Row wiki says there are 85 different vehicles in the game, but that also seems unlikely, as there are discrepancies within the list. (For example, the Sports09 car redirects to the Torch, suggesting that it's not actually in the game.) I do have duplicates in my garage, but there are a lot of them: 41 unique car/truck/cycle types and 54 unique overall, nowhere near what the maximum is.

Maybe the limit is set for Gen X, 89.0? I don't know. Anyway, it's possible that something about my particular assortment of cars limits what I can add, but in the absence of anything official or better documented, I would go with 89.