Battlefield 1 – Understanding Locational & Headshot Damage


Sometimes I feel like I'm taking far too much damage from certain weapons while not doing enough with my own. Now that's mainly because I'm terrible at shooters but I'd still like to know how the damage is calculated and where I should aim at in order to maximize my damage output (apart from the head).

My questions regarding the locational damage are:

  • Is there locational damage apart from headshots/non-headshots
  • What are the multipliers for the different hit zones
  • Do the multipliers vary based on weapon/distance etc.

Best Answer

Body part damage multipliers

General Multipliers
For all bullets except ones in special multipliers category

  • Headshot 1.7x
  • Upper body 1.0x
  • Lower body and upper arms 0.96x
  • Legs and forearms 0.96x

Special multipliers

Scout's primary weapons (100 max damage, no M1903 Experimental)

  • Headshot 1.8x
  • Upper body 1.0x
  • Lower body and upper arms 0.9x
  • Legs and forearms 0.75x

Shotgun slugs, Gewehr M.95, Russian 1895 Trench

  • Headshot 1.8x
  • Upper body 1.0x
  • Lower body and upper arms 0.93x
  • Legs and forearms 0.93x

Shotgun buckshots

  • Headshot 1.1x
  • Upper body 1.0x
  • Lower body and upper arms 1.0x
  • Legs and forearms 0.9x

Not sure on multipliers, but damage does change depending on weapon, distance, and location.

Stats from Symthic site