Factorio – How to Handle Long-Distance Fluid Transport Using Pipes


I have difficulty to fill my steam engine. There is a very long distance between the water source and my base. Actually, the half of my steam engine network fill up well, but the other half doesn't.

I tried to :

  • Add small pumps near the offshore pumps
  • Add small pumps near the boilers
  • Add small pumps at both places
  • Add small pumps near the boilers

Nothing works. When I put the same number boilers/steam engines near the offshore pumps, it works well, but when I put them in my base, it doesn't.

I know there is liquids and pipes physics. I've read the articles on the official wiki, but there is probably something I didn't see about long-distance fluid handling with pipes (and small pumps).

Does someone have a solution to this problem, or a part of the solution ? or something to try that I didn't do ?

Best Answer

A single pipe can only carry so much water, regardless of how many pumps are connected to it.

The optimal setup is:

  • 1 pump
  • Any number of pipes
  • 14 boilers
  • 10 steam engines

Any more boilers/engines will be wasted due to lack of water. To generate more electricity, use another pump to supply a separate series of pipes.